Saturday, July 26, 2008

"We should all be jealous!" Message from Garry & Ethan

The team was up for breakfast as usual and then they heard/saw FIRE!!! It startled the cook and he took off running, everyone was startled. There was fire going up the wall and rolling to the ceiling. Garry had been watching the cook as he tried to light the propane cooker ... he left and then came back and tried again and that's when it happened. Garry saw that the curtain was on fire (a thin shear curtain), he pulled it down and stomped out the fire. An African lady said he was a very brave man (and also has ~ 15 yrs fire training with the LJVFD). After all the excitement was over the team was able to finish their breakfast....Ethan said the toast was a little burnt in areas from the fire.

Garry and Ethan said the same as Aaron - we should all be jealous - the place the team is at now (Sweetwater Tented Camp) is an amazing place. There is a large watering hole in front of the camp, as they were sitting there 2 elephants walked up to the watering hole... an amazing sight. A few of the animals they saw on the safari were Giraffes, Baboons, water buffalo, a 200 acre secure area for Chimpanzees. Tonight, the team will be going on a night safari from 9 - 11:00 p.m. to see the Rhinos and other nocturnal animals. Tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. they will be going out to track Lions.... I understood Garry to say that there are tracking devices on the lions and in the Jeep so they can find the lions.

More updates tomorrow.....Rea

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