Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Message from Garry & Ethan

All - sorry for the late note ... Garry and Ethan called today, below is what I heard from them:

2nd Work day (1/2 day): The 2nd room at the school was finished today. There are 2 Kenya men Garry's working with, James and Frances, to spread the concrete as it is poured on the floor. Some doors were also fixed today, the hinges were messed up and also the door needed to be cut so Garry used Tony G. battery powered saw, the Kenya folks were amazed and kept saying that's Magic!!!

Mission - handing out shoes - they estimated seeing ~ 400 kids/adults - there were more kids that they didn't see because only so many were allowed in the Mission at a time to get their pair of shoes. They ran out of time to give the little kids shoes and also ran out of shoes for several of the kids that were in the 7/8th grade ... most of them said they wore size 7 but the shoe didn't fit a lot of them needed size 11 shoes.

They had spaghetti dinner tonight with mashed potatoes, a type of noodle salad, rice and veggies. Garry and Ethan said it was really good....they also had Ice Cream.

It was a good day and a wonderful suprise change for the dinner selection.

Garry said that this is hard work but worth it - all are starting to get sore so pray for the team to be refreshed each day to be able to continue the hard work that is needed at the school. Garry also said that a few were not feeling well with stomach issues so you can pray for recovery for them as well.



Mittlinger said...

Hi Andrea & all the Hope4Kenya fans. I'm loving these updates. I can not imagine being a parent of one of these kids on this trip. I choked up as I saw the pic of our team with the African children. WOW! What a beautiful picture! Those of you who ARE parents- may you be blessed for taking the challenge to TRUST the LORD with all your heart and send your child to Africa. These trips are LIFE-CHANGING!! OH my goodness- I can't even begin to tell you from experience how they have changed me. You are an example to me and a reminder (as a new parent) of how I hope that I will someday join with my child or be able to send my child on a trip like this. I'm sooo excited to hear more of their personal stories, see the pictures, and someday join them in Africa. WOW- God is good. I have been praying and WILL continue to pray for you, your children, and our friends while they are away. My prayer for them has been: No eye has seen, No ear has heard, NO MIND CAN CONCEIVE what God has prepared for those who love him. 1 Cor 2:9.

Andrea said...
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Tommy said...

I am amazed at how well Sarah Grace Mitterling writes. She is wise beyond her year.

Thanks for the encouragement and the prayers MM. We (the parents) appreciate it.

- Tommy