Sunday, July 20, 2008

Monday's Devotion

Below is the devotional that the team will be doing on their Monday morning - our Sunday night.

Kenya 2008: A guide for your time alone with GodThe following devotionals were taken from The Message Remix: Solo.

Monday July 21st – Romans 2:17 – 24

READ: Whisper to yourself the words of this passage.

THINK: Paul, writing mostly to Gentiles (non-Jews) in the church in Rome, finds himself addressing Jews in this passage, and warns those who have become arrogant because of their ancestral heritage. He warns that their arrogance, laziness, and apathy do not sit well with God. It leads to all sorts of behaviors that dishonor God, including saying one thing and actually doing another. You may not have Jewish roots, but this passage is relevant to all of us. What areas of your own heart might be arrogant or apathetic because of your upbringing, your heritage, or what you have done (and not done) in your past? What might your friends who are far from God think or feel about this? What can be done about it? When was the last time you said or taught one thing yet acted quite differently? What emotions might God feel when he sees us thinking or acting contrary to his character?

PRAY: Sit for a few minutes in silence, asking God to help you know the feeling of true humility. Then call on him to forgive you where your life has not lived up to what you claim to believe. (Be specific.)

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