Monday, July 21, 2008

Tuesday's Devotion

Below is the devotion that the team will be doing on their Tuesday morning - our Monday night.

Kenya 2008: A guide for your time alone with God
The following devotionals were taken from The Message Remix: Solo.

Tuesday July 22nd – Isaiah 65:17-22

READ: Read the passage at least twice.

THINK: In this passage God speaks with great joy, and the people feel great excitement. Here we find, in the midst of judgment and sorrow, the promise of a bright future for those who love and trust the Lord. God makes statements about the future peace that will be among his people. He is sending out the old and bringing in the new. For followers of God, there is intense anticipation. Think about your own future. What are those things, general and specific, that you believe God will use to bring hope into your life? Joy? Peace? How does God promise this will happen? How does the promise of hope and joy and peace influence the way you live?

PRAY: Pick some specific elements of how God will bring hope and joy and peace. Share the details with him, including your excitement and anticipation.

LIVE: Live with the deep assurance of God’s desire for you to possess hope and joy and peace today.


Lynn said...
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Lynn said...

"The Lord's name should be praised from where the sun rises to where it sets." Psalm 113:3NCV
My heart could only praise God when I thought how our BPF missionaries in Kenya were arising to praise God for a new day and across the "bridge" we were praising God and preparing for a night's rest. At the same time our hearts and lips are PRAISING GOD!

Andrea said...
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Andrea said...

Ok, I totally messed this up. I removed the first comment from Lynn because it was a duplicate. I just didn't want anyone to think I was being mean.