Sunday, July 20, 2008


Regretfully, there is nothing new to report. Hopefully we'll get word soon.

If they are on schedule, it's about 4:30PM there and the team should be enjoying and perhaps finishing up their time at the Havilla orphanage. The time spent there will surely be treasured and difficult to leave!

The itinerary shows that they will head back to the hotel at 7PM for dinner (about lunchtime for us), hopefully send an update and get a good night's rest. They will be heading to Segera tomorrow morning.

Be assured that I'm checking my email constantly and my phone is going with me everywhere!


Willson's Family Blog said...

I wonder if they found the newest member of the Willson family while they were at the orphanage?
I know they have to be tired, but oh so excited. Jamie and I were talking about all the teens who went on this trip without a parent. Jamie decided that she might go if it was her and Kyle, but she didn't think that she could have gone by herself. I know that if Kirk had not gone, that I would have REALLY struggled with Kyle going alone. So know that Jamie and I are praying for the families who put their sweet teens on a plane alone...we are praying for your anxious hearts...we are wondering how you got so strong and praying for the same strength of character...Micaela, Peter, Lauren, Jeff, Callan, Tori, and Robyn...we are lifting you and your families up in prayer...Jamie and I love each one of you! Dedee

RJLEGRAY said...

It wasn't easy; it was necessary though! We realized quite awhile back that this was truly God's will for Lauren to go on this trip. Even so, the mere thought of my "Princess" getting on a plane and stepping into to the absolute unknown without her daddy there is frightening. I kept thinking "right now Lauren is somewhere over the Atlantic ocean; now she's in LONDON (how wild). I keep telling people that my daughter is in AFRICA. Knowing that God has called her (and all who are there) to be in that very place and for each of us to be here supporting them in prayer gives me great comfort. Jesus knows what we need! I want them to hurry ome!! Randy