Monday, July 21, 2008

Update - All is well!!

Thanks so much, Rea, for passing along this update! It's so good to hear what's going on.

Garry and Ethan called today (7/21/08) ~ 2:30 p.m. from Segera, it was about 9:45 p.m. there, the group was in for the night and will start the 1st work day tomorrow. Everyone in the group is doing great and they have not seen any violence. Although they did see Army men with machine guns along the roads they travelled.

Traveling to Segera:
They took a Army truck from Nariobi to Segera. The roads are kind of like gravel but the area received alot of rain prior to there arrival so the roads were very wavy for about 30 miles (according to Ethan) and then the roads turned into just a worn path.

Animals seen during the trip:
Camels, Ostriches, Zebras and lots of Goats (like here there are lots of cows, there it's goats).

Food provided:
Rice with chicken and boiled eggs - they get this 3 times a day. Ethan said it looked like the chicken was fried.

Place of residence:
Sportsman Inn - 2 twin beds w/fancier tents over their beds from the last place they stayed. One light and a TV in the room with one channel (British Broadcasting Channel).

Area description:
Garry said you have never seen poor until you go to this area of the world, they basically live in tent type walls made of sticks and if lucky they might have a trap and then more sticks on top of that (at least that's what it looked like to them - not sure how close the group was from the homes).

Garry said he would call again tomorrow after the work day was done to give me another update.


Willson's Family Blog said...

Thank goodness Garry is not afraid to use his minutes....Thanks for sharing, Rea. Jamie suggested that I make chicken and rice for their "Welcome Home" meal...What do you think?

Andrea said...

Sounds like a party! I'll bring the rice. :)

Actually, I was talking to someone today that has been there and she said she wouldn't be surprised if some of them came back feeling guilty about eating after seeing such poverty. I hadn't thought about that but it could happen. I was thinking Tori would want some Chickfila or french fries but I guess I should not jump to that conclusion.