Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday Update from Aaron


I can't tell you how inspired I have been by the Kenyan pastors we have been working with this week. These godly men were so hungry for God's Word and we had some great discussions that will hopefully impact many people through their churches. We had 14 pastors in attendance today! I can't wait to get back here for more. Mark Monical, Lee Ullrich, and Tom Hundl have been awesome.

The water project has also been amazing. The community has come out in force...98 community members working side by side with our team to dig the trench. It is extremely tough work. Kirk Willson and his team have also been busy working on the pump house down by the river. Kirk + Kenyan friends + construction on a water project = happy man :)

Anyone who has worked with kids in this setting understands the daunting task of leading anything organized. The numbers are about 1 to 40. But our team has been amazing. Over the years we've learned some important principles and the past week has been like a well oiled machine. Our people are kid magnets... and adorable kids are EVERYWHERE!

The Special Needs team also wrapped up their needs assessment and the future suddenly looks a whole lot brighter for about a dozen kids. I am so thankful for the unique skill sets God designed through our team.

This afternoon, we were able to visit the Endana Secondary School. We divided into small groups and had some great conversations with the high school students there. We hope to be more involved there next year. It was tons of fun. I love those kids.

The highlight of the day though was walking down to the river to baptize a 15 year old orphan named Mary. Ronnie had the chance to lead her over the line of faith on Sunday and then baptized her today. It was a living picture of the Great Commission.

And to top it off, we were able to have a skype conversation with Lanny Donoho and Jeff Pickering live from the stage at BigStuf. The connection was pretty rocky, but it was very cool.

In the morning, we'll head back to the Primary School for the closing ceremony and goodbyes. Leaving is so hard, but the blow will be softened by our safari day at Sweetwaters. Sweetwaters is THE most beautiful place on Earth. Our first timers are gonna freak out.

Thanks for all your prayers and to those who wrote notes of encouragement for our team. They are greatly appreciated.


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