Thursday, June 10, 2010

2010 Trip - Project Description

The trip is just around the corner. Excitement builds and packing begins!! Please pray for the communities in Kenya that will be visited and for all trip participants. Pray especially right now for the leaders as this is quite a large group and there is much to orchestrate.

The 2010 Kenya Team will serve in a variety of ways:

Open Air Worship Service - The team will have several opportunities to worship with the community, including a Sunday afternoon "crusade" complete with drama, music, and speaking.

Water Tank Restoration - The team will be working on two existing water tanks one is 20,000 liters and the other is a large 100,000 liter tank doing the following renovations...
1. Repairing cracks in tanks with cement mortar
2. Constructing concrete pillars in the center of the tanks to support roof
3. Spread waterproof cement on inside tank walls for water proofing
4. construct/repair tank roofs
5. some tank plumbing

Endana Pastor's Conference - The team will be leading a 3 day training event for local pastors on Monday - Wednesday mornings at the Endana Library, a building that was built by last year's team. The conference will focus on empowering local leaders for ministry success.

Kids Bible Club at Endana Primary School - This year's team will focus on children in Kindergarten through 4th Grades. The 410 Bridge is providing a curriculum that is built on the virtue of "Cooperation", similar to the material used at BPF in All-Stars.

Special Education Programs - One of the team members, Susan Eastland, will be working specifically with kids with physical and mental disabilities. She will also help with teacher training. The school system in that area does not currently have any Special Education programs.

Counseling Sessions at the Secondary School - Gayle Stein, a school counselor, will be working at the Endana Secondary School to promote emotional health as teens undergo the changes associated with puberty.

Medical Team at the Segera Mission Clinic - Several medical professionals will be working alongside the clinic's medical staff during the week to treat patients and help organize the clinic's supplies.

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