Monday, June 21, 2010

Pre-trip Team Devotional Monday

Two former team members, Chantel and Tony have prepared these short pre-trip guides to help prepare the team spiritually for what God has in store. Please take the time this week to sit with God and listen and pray for the Kenya 2010 team to be prepared to experience all that God has for them. This is intended for the team but who knows, perhaps God has something for you as well.

Will You Fill the Need?
Matthew 14:14

“When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them…”

When we want to know what God wants us to do, we only have to look to Jesus. There are many references to Jesus “seeing” people and having “compassion”. These passages seem to have something in common.

First, he “saw” the people. We will never have an impact for good in God’s Kingdom if we don’t first see the people like Jesus sees them. Pray that God will keep you alert.

Second he had “compassion” on them. This doesn’t mean Jesus just felt sorry for their situation. Compassion happens when we put ourselves so far into their situation that we literally feel what they feel. On this trip you will be exposed, close up and personal, to some difficult situations. Pray that God will give you His compassion as you see the people of Endana.

Thirdly, Jesus met a need. In Matt. 14:14 “he healed their sick”. In Matt. 15:32 “he fed them”. In Matt. 20:34 “he touched their hurt”. In Mark 6:34 “he taught them many things”. Now I know you are thinking, how can I do what Jesus did? Last year’s team “touched” hundreds of people. They “taught” Bible stories. Several of the team fell in love with a young girl who couldn’t walk because of a terrible disease in her foot. Within six months of our trip these few members of our team helped the 410 Bridge orchestrate a medical miracle and that young girl can now run and play. Never fall victim to the idea that what you are doing is insignificant. Pray that God will use you beyond your expectations. And don’t be surprised when He does.


Lord Jesus, show me how to follow your example to see, to feel compassion, and to meet needs in Your name. Amen.

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