Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pre-trip Team Devotional Tuesday

Two former team members, Chantel and Tony have prepared these short pre-trip guides to help prepare the team spiritually for what God has in store. Please take the time this week to sit with God and listen and pray for the Kenya 2010 team to be prepared to experience all that God has for them. This is intended for the team but who knows, perhaps God has something for you as well.

Will you go out without Knowing?
Hebrews 11:8

There are three different groups of people on this team. The first group has embarked on this adventure before. Another group has taken this adventure but to a different land. The third group has never “gone out”. Whichever group you are in, you have chosen to go without Knowing.

Just as Abraham was called to a place that he did not know, all of you have made the decision to go without Knowing. This is called “faith”. Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1).
As you prepare your hearts for this adventure know that God will not always tell you what He is going to do. Instead He will reveal Himself to you. As I reflect back to my adventure, I recall the expectation I had for God to “lay out” where He wanted me and what He wanted of me. My adventure led me to see that His ultimate desire for His people is to KNOW HIM.

May your expectation of God be for Him to show you His character, passion, love, and holiness. Begin this journey with a newness of who God is. You will truly be in awe of what you did not know about your creator!


Lord God, show me who You are in a new way. As You carry me through this adventure, please open my eyes and heart to the unknown. You are the reason I said “yes” to this adventure. I chose you, God! Amen.

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